In the modern era, 99% of businesses used a specific URL or website to work over or to record their work status or project status. For specific project-specific websites or ULR are used it is not mandatory to use them by another team that is handling another project. To know which website or URL most used by the team or individual employee and how much time they spent over we have a TOP URL card. It's not limited to team or individual we can see the whole organization top visited websites.
The most productive URL or site accessibility is the indication of the productiveness of the organization. Modern businesses used tools that access by URL that is productive and it is not at all same for every team or department. In an organization, multiple online URLs or tools or websites are used by one employee simultaneously, from which few are productive and most are non-productive.
The "Top Websites" card popup when the observer selects it. Before selecting the "Top Websites" card ensure that you should select the organization, or specific team, or specific employee and the time period for which you are looking for the used apps with time spent.
The observer or analyst can check the most visited websites for a single employee, specific team, specific office location, a particular department, or full organization. The selection criteria is depend on the observer who is observing the used apps card.
Attention! Attention!! Attention!!! Website or URL is the only way is used in organization for data transfer and communication. Enterprises spending lots of money for ensuring the best security to protect against data theft. The URL or website visited by the whale organization, specific location office, department, team, and individual employee should be at least monitored one time in a day by the responsible person who is taking care of the organizational operation. The observer should have the knowledge of the user i.e. productive URLS and non-productive URL for the organization and she or he should take action if found the unusual URL or website visited by anyone from the organization. This feature "TOp Websites Card" is very important from to point of view of data security.
For demo and free 15 days trial feel free to contact us.
Per Month Per Employee Charged Annually
Per Month Per Employee Charged Annually
Per Month Per Employee Charged Annually
For enterprises we recommend to use your own IT infrastructire by taking our On-premises solution. Enterprise can apply own data security policies for the on-premises solution and ensures your all data security.
Demo helps to know overall available features and our unique design of the user interface as we have "Work-Board" instead of dashboard to avoid the complexity during the accessing the software.